Case histories and discussions

HKIAP Fall Scientific Meeting 2012


Slide Seminar # 26 (June, 2002)
History Sheet

(Approved by Education Committee of HK College of Pathologists for 3 CME points for Self Study OR 5 CME points for Quality Assurance)

SC-251 69 year-old Chinese man presented with persistent
enlarged left upper jugular cervical mass of 3cm across for
2 months. He also had history of hypertension, impaired renal
function and congestive heart failure. Physical examination
revealed no other sites of lymphadenopathy. Chest X-ray showed
cardiomegaly with no enlarged lymph node detected. The blood
tests showed normal lymphocytic count with no abnormal lymphocytic
SC-252 This 71-year-old Chinese male was found to have
multiple enlarged lymph nodes (neck, axilla and groins), hepatosplenomegaly
and marrow involvement by lymphoma cells. H&E slide of
the excisional biopsy of left cervical lymph node.
SC-253 This 80-year-old Chinese female presented with
intestinal obstruction. Laparotomy revealed a huge mesenteric
mass with abscess formation. A small biopsy was taken.
SC-254 A 29-year old man with pain in the right foot
for several months. Xray revealed a roughly 2 cm radiolucent
lesion in the talus.
SC-255 This 25-year old lady, G3P0, was referred to
our hospital at 18 weeks gestation because of ultrasound finding
of conjoined twins. Induced abortion was made at 19th week
of gestation. Umbilical cord for comment.
SC-256 A previously well 21-year old lady, G1P0, is
noticed to have conjoined twins at 18 weeks gestation. Induced
abortion was performed at 19 weeks gestation. Umbilical cord
for comment.
SC-257 This 47-year old woman presented with pain in
the region of the left hip. X-ray showed a lytic lesion in
the left ilium in the vicinity of the sacro-iliac joint. The
lesion was well circumscribed and had a soap-bubble appearance.
The excision specimen was whitish-tan, rubbary and glistening.
SC-258 M/52 Duodenal biopsy
SC-259 49 year old nulliparous Chinese lady, not on
hormone. Initially presented with dysfunctional uterine bleeding,
uterine curetting revealed endometrioid carcinoma. Total abdominal
hysterectomy & bilateral salpingo-ovarectomy done. Intra-operatively
found firm, lobulated right ovary, suspecting ovarian tumor.
SC-260 15-year old boy presented with low back pain.
An osteolytic lesion with sclerotic border was found in the
body of S4; open biopsy was performed. Pain disappeared after